【简答题】某一阶系统的频率响应函数为 ,输入信号 ,则 稳态 输出信号 的频率为 ,幅值 ,相位 。
【单选题】患者女性,58 岁,患十二指肠溃疡 6 年。今晨起突然排出大量柏油样黑便,并出现恶心、头晕、心悸、无力,由家人送至医院急诊。查体:体温 36. 2°C,血压 85/50mmHg,脉搏 115次/分钟;患者面色苍白、出冷汗、四肢湿冷;腹部稍胀,上腹部有轻度压痛,肠鸣音亢进。初步考虑患者有十二指肠溃疡大出血,主要依据是
【简答题】Ningbo attracts a large number of and foreign tourists every year.每年宁波都吸引了大批的海内外游客前来参观游览。
【单选题】Translate the following sentence into English. “有些支出,如广告支出和职工培训费用,很难客观地估计其受益期间。”
For some expenditure, such as those for advertising or employee training programs, it is not possible to estimate objectively the number of accounting period over which revenue is likely to be produced.
Such as those for advertising or employee training programs, it is not possible to estimate objectively the number of accounting period over which revenue is likely to be produced.
For some expenditure, such as those for advertising or employ training programs, it is not possible to estimate objectively the number of accounting period over which revenue is likely to be produced.