【判断题】1963 年,雷切尔•卡逊发表了震惊世界、具有重大影响的惊世之作《寂静的春天》 (Silent Spring) 。她在书中对农业科学家的科学实践活动和政府的政策提出挑战,并号召人们迅速改变对自然世界的看法和观点。 ( )
【单选题】The risks covered in FPA coverage basically means that only total or constructive total loss of the whole consignment of cargo,but no partial loss or damage is recoverable from the msurer resulting fr...
【判断题】The risks covered in FPA。WPA and All Risks in PICG 0cean Marine Cargo Clauses are not the same but none of them cover loss or damage caused by the intentional act of the insured.( )
【多选题】国家重点扶持的某高新技术企业2012年度生产经营业务收入1500万元,转让技术所有权所得360万元,国债利息收入60万元;成本费用合计1000万元,其中广告费180万元、业务宣传费60万元;“营业外支出”账户中列支被没收财产损失20万元,通过公益性社会团体向希望工程捐款30万元。则该企业填列《企业所得税年度纳税申报表(A类)》时,下列处理正确的有( )。
【单选题】The risks covered in FPA coverage basically means that only total or constructive total loss of the whole consignment of cargo, but no partial loss or damage is recoverable from the insurer resulting ...