D Health officials in the United States reported last week on what they believe could be a medical first. Officials said doctors performed what could be the first double lung transplant on a person whose lungs were severely damaged from vaping( 吸电子烟 ). The operation reportedly saved the life of a teenager from the state of Michigan. The young man was admitted in early September to a Detroit-area hospital with what appeared to be pneumonia ( 肺炎 ), a common lung infection. The teen was later sent to Children's Hospital of Michigan in Detroit. On October 3, he was transported to Henry Ford Hospital, where the transplant was performed 12 days later. Hassan Nemeh, a surgical doctor at Henry Ford Hospital, told The Associated Press that the damage done to the teenager's lungs from vaping could not be undone. He warned parents to think about that and to tell their children to do so as well. A statement written by the teen’s family said, “We asked Henry Ford doctors to share that the horrific life-threatening effects of vaping are very real”. More than 2,000 Americans who vape have gotten sick since March. Many of them are teenagers and young adults. At least 40 people have died. Recently, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a discovery into what might be causing people who vape to become sick. They identified the chemical compound vitamin E acetate( 醋酸盐 ) as “ a very strong culprit ” . Researchers found the chemical compound in fluid taken from the lungs of 29 patients. In other studies, Vitamin E acetate was found in liquid from electronic cigarettes and other vaping devices. Dr. Lisa is a lung specialist and medical director of Henry Ford's Lung Transplant Program. She told The AP, “Vaping-related injuries are all too common these days. Our adolescents are faced with a crisis.” Hassan Nemeh added, “We hope sharing this patient's story prevents anyone else from experiencing a vaping injury that would require a transplant.” 32. Which of the following is True according to the text? A. The operation on the boy lasts 12 days. B. Lungs harmed by vaping will not be repaired. C. Youths are more likely to get sick from vaping. D. Vitamin E acetate is a liquid from the lungs of patients. 33. What do the underlined words “a very strong culprit” in Paragraph7 probably mean? A. A deadly disease. B. A serious effect. C. An important device. D. A leading cause. 34. What’s the writer’s purpose in writing the text? A. To introduce the achievement of lung’s treatment. B. To describe the process of a transplant operation. C. To urge the young to stay away from e-cigarettes. D. To remind parents to take good care of their kids. 35. From which is the text probably taken? A. A science fiction. B. A news report. C. A technology guidebook. D. A research paper.
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【简答题】已知椭圆C的中心在原点,焦点在x轴上,长轴长是短轴长的 2 倍,且椭圆C经过点M (2, 2 ) . (1)求椭圆C的标准方程; (2)过圆O: x 2 + y 2 = 8 3 上的任意一点作圆的一条切线l与椭圆C交于A、B两点.求证: OA ? OB 为定值.
【简答题】如图所示,已知椭圆的中心在原点,焦点在x轴上,长轴长是短轴长的3倍且经过点M(3,1).平行于OM的直线l在y轴上的截距为m(m≠0),且交椭圆于A,B两不同点. (1)求椭圆的方程; (2)求m的取值范围;
【简答题】已知椭圆C的中心在原点,焦点在x轴上,长轴长是短轴长的 倍且经过点 (2, )。 (1)求椭圆C的方程; (2)过圆O:x 2 +y 2 = 上的任意一点作圆的一条切线l与椭圆C交于A、B两点,求证: 为定值。