【简答题】Speaking before a group is a problem for many people. ___a. They become uncomfortable even at the thought of speaking in public. They will go to almost any length to avoid speaking to a group. If they...
【简答题】Add the suffix “-en” to the words given below. Then complete the following sentences with the words thus formed. Change the form if necessary. 后缀-en 接在某些名词、形容词后面构成动词,意味:使成为...,使变成...。e.g:strength+en=s...
【简答题】从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 小题1: r o ll A.s o ldier B.impr o ve C.ap o logise D.phot o graph 小题2: cont ai n A.mount ai n B.cert ai n C.gr ai n D.capt ai n 小题3: cigar e tte A.citiz e n B.ne...