Gucci, a leading brand of fashion and leather goods, represents style and luxury. It has many kinds of products, like fashion wear, leather products,shoes,watches, ties, perfume, etc. It was founded in 1921 by fashion designer Guccio Gucci in Florence, his hometown. He got the idea for his designs from the Savoy Hotel in London where he was working as a bellboy. Many of his designs are still with the company today, of which the "Bamboo Bag" is the most notable. In the 1940s, faced with a shortage of raw materials in Italy, the "Bamboo Bag" was introduced and became one of the first of Gucci's iconic products. As a favorite of royalty and celebrities alike, the bag is still available today. Now, Gucci owns about 300 stores worldwide, with an annual revenue in excess of 2.5 billion dollars. According to Interbrand, Gucci was in the 50th position on the 2015 "Beat Global Brands". It's outstanding quality and exceptional beauty are totally appealing to fashionale women.