【单选题】Which is the best word for the blank? There are three courses for me to choose from. If I don't like one of them, there are still other two __________.
【判断题】If there are three consonants clustered together at the beginning of an English word, the first sound must be [s].
【单选题】Most dictionaries will tell you a number of (21) about a language. There are three things in particular that (22) important. These three things are spelling, pronunciation, and meanings. The first and...
【单选题】补充小儿液体累积损失量时,下列正确的是( )
【单选题】依次填入下面横线上的词语正确的一项是 1 我的目光将会 ________ 地落在我读过的盲文书籍上。 2 我的手 ________ 遍了米开朗琪罗的感人的英勇的摩西石雕像。 3 在我一生漫长的黑夜里,我读过的和人们读给我听的那些书,已经成为一座辉煌的巨大灯塔,为我 ________ 出了人生及心灵的最深的航道。