【单选题】在光线作用下能够使物体产生一定方向的电动势的现象叫做( )
【简答题】“ 世界气候类型分布图”,完成下列要求 (1)温带大陆性气候分布面积最广的是 大陆,热带雨林气候分布面积最广的是 洲,热带草原气候分布面积最广的是 洲,热带沙漠气候分布面积最广的是 洲。 (2)赤道附近分布面积最广的是 气候,热带沙漠气候主要分布在 (南北回归线/南北极圈)附近,寒带气候主要分布在 (低或中或高)纬度地区。 (3)温带季风气候分布在大陆的 (东/西)岸,温带海洋性气候分布在大陆的 ...
【单选题】在光线作用下能够使物体产生一定方向的电动势的现象称为( )。
【单选题】The term "automatic stabilizers" refers to the fact that:
with given tax rates and expenditure policies, a rise in national income \r\ntends to produce a surplus, while a decline tends to result in a deficit.
legislators automatically change the tax structure and expenditure \r\nprograms to correct upswings and downswings in business activity.
government expenditures and tax receipts automatically balance over the \r\ncourse of the business cycle, although they may be out of balance in any single \r\nyear.