下面一则练习要求对不够妥当的句子加以改进 Improve the following sentences where necessary: 1. The tables leg is broken. 2. Mary’s and John’s house is on the corner. 3. Mrs Taylor has completed a study on bird’s nests. 4. The Dean will be able to solve the problem of the students. 5. The meeting will be held at the Joneses house. 6. That tray is not ours; it’s the one we gave the Harrises. 7. He was not driving Charle’s car but someone elses’. 8. A town goes through many crises in ten years time. 9. The products effectiveness will be proved by their performance. 10. This weeks’ news is somewhat more hopeful than the last two week’s. 11. A sensitive person is aware of others problems. 12. They two are aware of each others’ worries. 13. The house of my brother and sister-in-law was damaged in the fire. 14. The friend of my fathers called this morning. 15. A wheel of the car’s was broken. 16. That boyfriend of Jane’s is really a coward. 17. The wives of the baseball’s players often see the games. 18. This shop sells women clothing only. 19. My brother was interested in the long poems of Milton’s. 20. Those new shoes of you look very smart.