【简答题】7 Listen to a short speech twice and during the second listening, put back the missing words in the blanks. Welcome to Courtyard Hotel. It is our pleasure to welcome you as our guest and to wish you a...
【简答题】于某某诉于海滨等四人祭奠方式纠纷案 (河南省新乡市牧野区人民法院 [2004]牧民一初字第346号民事判决书) 【案情简介】 原于某某被告于海滨系同父异母兄妹关系,原被告生父于凤仪与原告生母胡凤仙于 1933年结婚。1954年胡凤仙去世。于凤仪于1955年与冯云霞结婚,并先后生育上述四被告人。2003年1月31日于凤仪去世,同年9月冯云霞去世。原被告生父于凤仪与原告生母胡凤仙遗物、被告生母冯云霞骨...
【简答题】Welcome to Courtyard Hotel. It is our pleasure to welcome you as our guest and to wish you ( 1 ) here. It is very important to us that your stay should be as comfortable and as enjoyable as possible. ...
【简答题】How much longer we’ll have enough 1. ________ to stay on here is anybody’s 2. ________ — perhaps for quite a while, perhaps not. When the time comes, we’ll leave with a feeling of 3. ______ but also w...
【简答题】虚拟语气 1. If I _____ you, I ’ d take his offer. A. was B. am C. were D. would be 2. If you ______ to see Mary, what would you tell her? A. are B. are going C. have D. were 3. The experiment is very expe...
【简答题】Listen to a short speech twice and during the second listening, put back the missing words in the blanks. Welcome to Courtyard Hotel. It is our pleasure to welcome you as our guest and to wish you a 1...
【简答题】Welcome to Courtyard Hotel. It is our pleasure to welcome you as our guest and to wish you (1) here. It is very important to us that your stay should be as comfortable and as enjoyable as possible. We...
【简答题】案例分析题 于某某诉于海滨等四人祭奠方式纠纷案 (河南省新乡市牧野区人民法院 [2004]牧民一初字第346号民事判决书) 【案情简介】 原于某某被告于海滨系同父异母兄妹关系,原被告生父于凤仪与原告生母胡凤仙于 1933年结婚。1954年胡凤仙去世。于凤仪于1955年与冯云霞结婚,并先后生育上述四被告人。2003年1月31日于凤仪去世,同年9月冯云霞去世。原被告生父于凤仪与原告生母胡凤仙遗物、被告...
【简答题】阅读下列文字,回答问题。 1756年,俄国化学家罗蒙诺索夫把锡放在密闭的容器里煅烧,锡发生变化,生成白色的氧化锡,但容器和容器里的物质的总质量,在煅烧前后并没有发生变化。经过反复的实验,都得到同样的结果,于是他认为在化学变化中物质的质量是守恒的。 直到1777年,法国的拉瓦锡做了同样的实验,也得到同样的结论,这一定律才获得公认。 但要确切证明或否定这一结论,都需要极精确的实验结果,而拉瓦锡时代的工...