In any market there is a firm with a much larger market share than its competitors, called a ___________ . A company that is number two in an industry, but which would like to become number one—think of Pepsi vs. Coke, Reebok vs. Nike, Avis vs. Hertz—is known as a ______________ . A smaller company in an industry, more or less content with its existing market share, is called a __________ . Smaller, specialised companies, which target segments within segments, are called __________ . A market in which one single producer can fix an artificially high price is called a __________ . A market dominated by a few large suppliers, and which it is hard for new companies to break into, is called an _________ . A group of companies which chose to collaborate by sharing out markets, co-ordinating their prices, and so on, form a ________ . A situation in which the normal to have only supplier, eg. utilities such as water and sewage, gas, electricity, is called a ______________________ .