【单选题】甲婚前全款购买了一套商品房并办理了房产证,婚后甲主动表示将商品房一半产权赠予妻子乙,并重新办理了署有二人名字的房产证。后甲和乙感情破裂,欲离婚,该商品房应作为( )来分割。
【简答题】刘女士于2008年用60万买了一套商品房,如果每年增值10%,则2012年该商品房的价值为______万元. (结果保留3个有效数字)
【多选题】某职工购买了一套商品房,申请房屋权属登记,登记机关经审查决定不予登记,原因可能是( )。
【单选题】Read the following passage and tell if the statements are true, false or not given. Holiday home When we went on holiday last year to a small town near London, my father knew all the landmarks. He kne...
【单选题】甲市的王先生购买了位于乙市的商品房一套,该住房的开发商为丙市的某房地产开发公司,工程由丁市的某建筑企业施工建设。王先生入住不到一年,发现该房屋的承重墙出现严重开裂。王先生欲对此提起诉讼,则本案应由( )人民法院管辖。
【简答题】完形填空。 An old friend telephoned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived. I was still in the office at that time but I had got 1 ready for him to stay with me. I 2 him where my house was. I also...
【简答题】A man lived in Florida and he was in his eighties. He called his son in New York one November day. The father said to the son, “I have to tell you that we’ve got some troubles here in the house. Your ...