【简答题】Plato’s “subject-object dichotomy” reflects the _____ thinking pattern of westerns.
【多选题】必须实施见证取样和送检的试块,试件和材料有( )。
【单选题】Chinese way of writing sometimes strikes the English reader as awkward and unnecessarily indirect because of Chinese _____ thinking pattern.
【简答题】Chinese characters are the mimicry of natural phenomenon and are called imagery language, which reflects the ____ thinking pattern.
【单选题】According to Robert Kaplan, which of the following line represents English thinking pattern?
【判断题】When a person finally realizes the cultural identity achievement, he or she has not only learnt but also accepted the traditions, language, religion, thinking pattern and social structures of that cul...
【简答题】世界上的颜色千差万别,任何一种颜色都可以用( )、( )、( )3个物理量来描述,这就是色彩三要素。
【单选题】下列一维数组初始化语句中,正确且与语句 float a[ ]={0,3,8,0,9}; 等价的是 ( )
float a[6]={0,3,8,0,9};
float a[4]={0,3,8,0,9};
float a[7]={0,3,8,0,9};
float a[5]={0,3,8,0,9};