指出下列句子译文的错误并改译该句 1). 福州是福建省省会,全省政治、经济、文化中心,又是中国历史文化名城,著名的商贸城市和沿海开放城市。 Fuzhou, a center in political, economic and culture, is the capital of Fujian Province. In addition, it’s also a famous trade and commercial city and an open-up harbour city as well as a well-known cultural city in the history of China. 2). 改革开放20年来,福州经济建设和社会各项事业蓬勃发展,是镶嵌在中国东南沿海的一颗璀璨的明珠。 Since China has opened their door for 20 years, the economical construction and the thriving development of the varied social business in Fuzhou become a glittering pearl in the sea-neared areas in the southeast of China. 3). 所以每次回乡过年,即使我不管别的事,挂红灯笼我是一定要亲自动手的。 Therefore, every time I went back to my hometown to celebrate the Spring Festival, anything is none of my business but putting up the red lantern which I would only do by my own. 4). 当然,了让人进出的。但是,窗子有时也可作为进出口用,譬如小偷或小说里私约的情人就喜欢爬窗子。 Obviously, the doors are made for people to go in and out of the room. But windows can also be used for it. Such as thieves or lovers in the novels who dated secretly often climb the windows. 5). 我国加入世界贸易组织既要履行义务,也将享受权利。 After its accession to the WHO, China should assume its legal obligations whilst enjoy its rights accordingly. 6). 他在几十年的时间里组织三十多万人在中国北部修建了绵延5,000公里的长城,并生前就开始修建庞大的坟墓。 During his more than a dozen years of reign, he organized more than 300,000 people to build the Great Wall, which winds its 5000-klometer way across north China, and to construct his own luxurious tomb. 7). 1405年至1433年,他派太监率领庞大的船队进行了七次规模巨大的海上远航,途径东南亚各国、印度洋、波斯湾、马尔代夫群岛,最远到达非洲海岸的索马里和肯尼亚。 From 1405 to 1433, under his order, Zheng He, the eunuch lead a huge fleet of vessels to sail far for seven times, passing countries in the Southeast Asia, Indian ocean, Persia Gulf, Maldives, to the farthest destination Somalia and Kenya in the east coast of Africa. 8). 由于社会安定、生产发展、医疗卫生条件改善,以及对控制人口增长的重要性认识不足和缺乏经验,致使人口迅速增长,到1969年已达80,671万人。 Afterwards, the stable social stability, the development of the production combined with the improvement of the medical and health care conditions led to a rapid population growth to 806.71 million in 1969, unchecked due to the lack of both awareness and experiences of population control. 9). 还好取消了今天下午的会议,您确实需要点儿时间,倒倒时差。 It’s wise to put the meeting off this afternoon as you do need some time to get over the jet lag. 10). 我觉得海军蓝也很适合你父亲,因为他酷爱海洋。穿上这件衣服就越活越年轻啦。 I guess navy blue suits your father as well since he loves the ocean. He will live to a green old age in it. 11).这几年,北京的经济持续高速增长,基础设施更加完善,国际交流和合作更加活跃,生态环境大幅改善,体育、文化、科技、教育等社会事业蓬勃发展,人民生活水平显著提高。 In recent years, Beijing has seen sustainable growth, improved infrastructure, increase exchanges and cooperation with other countries, improvements in the environment, and better services in sports, culture , science and education, and Beijing residents are enjoying a better life. 12). 您把在咖啡厅的桌子上了,他们马上送过来。 You left your bag on the table of the snack bar and they will send it back to you in a few minutes. 13). (古代)中国与日本、朝鲜、印度、波斯、阿拉伯等许多国家建立了广泛经济和文化联系。 China had established extensive economic and cultural ties with many nations like Japan, North Korea, India, Persia and Arabia. 14). 你们要到北京来,欢迎你们到胡同来串一串,你会很喜欢北京!你们会觉得北京! If you come to Beijing, do come and visit the Hutongs, you will be charmed by Beijing and its appealing Hutongs! 15). 盲人还能参加别的什么体育项目? What other sports could the blind participate in?