【简答题】Two-dimensional geometric primitives such as circles and rectangles which serve as the generating geometry for cylinders and prisms are a part of two-dimensional software.
【简答题】电容的电容量与电容器两极板的( )、两极板间( )以及( )的性能有关。
【单选题】为了计算方便,常常事先选取一个电流或电压方向(即人为假设的方向),称为( )。
【判断题】电容量的大小与电压有关与电量无关。 2、平行板电容器的电容值只与极板面积有关,与两极板间距离无关。 3、电容器极板面积越大,电容值越大。 4、ε称为极板间电解质的介电常数。
【单选题】I was dismayed at the thought of teaching algebra and geometry ––two subjects at which I had been completely _____ at school.
【判断题】In 1630, University of Oxford set up two professorlecture chairs. One was for geometry while the other was for astronomy.