【单选题】Which of the following is NOT a traditional American food?
【单选题】Which of the following statements is not true?
Fast food is not the invention of American people.
Drive-through windows allow people to order and eat food right in their cars.
McDonald’s was the first fast food restaurant set up in America.
White Castle is a hamburger joint that opened in 1916.
【判断题】American food is not popular in China.
【单选题】Which of the following is NOT a traditional American food?
【判断题】Apple pie is not typical American food.
【单选题】“独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。”这句古语说明( ) 1学习中不需要同伴 2有了朋友就一定能学到知识 3学习中与同伴互相启发、共同钻研,能弥补个人知识的不足 4与同伴互相帮助、分工合作,在交流切磋同完成学习任务
【单选题】Which of the following is NOT a traditional American food?
【单选题】在一个生产同质产品的寡头垄断行业中,行业利润最大化的条件是,当厂商 []
【单选题】句子“American food is not the same as the English kind.”运用了哪种替代方式?