【单选题】I am afraid that the train will be crowded during the holiday.
【单选题】I am afraid that the company dogged it from the deal at the last second.
【单选题】I am afraid that the tape you lent me yesterday is ______.
【简答题】开头概述过三峡时的感受“像在一支雄伟而瑰丽的交响乐中飞翔”,用了什么修辞手法?“飞翔”用得恰当吗?这样写有什么作用? 2. 文中引用杜甫的《夔州歌》和古时歌谣中的语句起到了什么样的作用?
【单选题】I am afraid that the _________ between rich and poor is still widening in our country.