【单选题】男, 36岁,平素体健。淋雨后发热,咳嗽2天,右上腹痛伴气急、恶心l天。体检应注意有无
【判断题】The pun is a kind of rhetorical devices that Shkakesepear usually uses in his play. According to Wikipedia, "the pun, also called paronomasia, is a form of word play that exploits multiple meanings of...
【简答题】某地农村的一个村子里,曾经发生过这样一件事:一头小水牛,掉进了一个约两平方米的水井中,井里的水很深,距井边约有两米左右。村民们见了都很着急,为了救出小水牛,大家想了不少办法。有的说,人下去把它拉上来。可是怎么下去拉 ?谁也说不具体;同时也没人敢下去。有的说,用绳子套,试了一阵,根本套不住,还惹得小水牛在井里乱跳乱撞。后来,一个头脑灵活、精明能干的中年农民想出了一个办法。一试,果然灵。在村民们的一片...
【单选题】按创业资本的来源可划分,以下不属于创业融资战略的是( )。
【简答题】完形填空。 Mr.West intended to buy his wife a Christmas present, but he was always very busy, so he was never 1 to find time to go to the shops. At last, when it was the week 2 Christmas, and the shops wer...