【简答题】简述 MATLAB 中表达式由哪些组成?
【判断题】绝热 节流过程,节流前后工质的焓不变,所以是一个等焓过程。
【单选题】If the total peripheral resistance of the blood vessel remains unchanged and the cardiac stroke output increases, the change in arterial blood pressure is
The systolic blood pressure does not change and the diastolic blood pressure rises
Increased systolic blood pressure and unchanged diastolic blood pressure
Increased systolic blood pressure is more obvious than increased diastolic blood pressure
The increase in diastolic blood pressure is more obvious than the increase in systolic blood pressure.
【判断题】配筋砖砌体工程中,墙体与构造柱连接处应砌成马牙槎,从每层柱脚起,先进后退,马牙槎的高度不应大于300mm;并应先砌墙后浇混凝土构造柱。() 判断对错