根据课程学习要求,每个同学上交自己的课程内容反思作业,具体要求: 理论部分:根据自己小组所选教材内容、查阅资料内容对自己所选理论进行深层理解阐述 实践部分:可选择自己的日常生活成长经历或文学作品人物等进行分析 理论与实践要有较好的结合 书写层次清晰,条理分明,字数不限。
【多选题】Which items belong to being a workaholic?
Being organized, focused, and getting a lot of work done.
Feeling lost without work to do and often bring work home from the office.
knowing when to stop and having a life other than work.
Always finding reasons for working more.
Don't know how and when to relax.
Can’t communicate well with fellow workers and family members.
Can’t keep a balance between work and life.
【简答题】Translation—English into Chinese  (本大题共10小题,每题5分) Directions:For each of the 10 words or phrases(N0.1---N0.10),make the best choice from the 10 suggested translation marked A---J.A. for the first time...
【简答题】A. odyssey years B.resort to C.peculiar D. settling down with E.saddled F. rebellious G. keep focused H. resent I. make allowance for J. predict Traditionally speaking, one’s phases of l...
【简答题】下列选项中,关于法与道德的关系,表述正确的是?( ) A.法与道德属于社会规范的范畴,均具有规范性、强制性和有效性 B.法律重权利又重义务,而道德只重义务 C.法律与道德的调整范围不是一成不变的,在一定条件下可以转化 D.在强调依法治国的今天,应当特别强调“法的安定性”
【多选题】下列选项中,关于法与道德的关系,表述正确的是?( )
【单选题】根据下列材料,请回答下列各题 You are going to read a list of headings and a text about how to select a fund.Choose the most suitable heading from the list A—G for each numbered paragraph(41-45).The first paragraph ...
Share the Responsibility
Keep Your Receipts
Cut Bad Habits
Balance Your Checkbook
Remain Flexible
Pay Down Debt
Focus on Savings You have a big expense coming up.You need a better car,or a bigger home,or you want to go back to college.What do you do?Borrow,borrow,borrow--right?Well,maybe not.If you’ve created a budget,you know exactly how much money you have coming in,and how much is going out.You can make some plans concerning that big expense.But if you don’t have a budget plan,you probably don’t have a very good picture of your finances,and you may be tempted to borrow more money rather than squeezing all you can from your income. It’s definitely better in the long run——for you and for your money—to have a budget. By now,you’ve set up your budget.You know how much money you have.But you could still use some help staying on budget.Here are some tips that can help you stick to your budget and get ahead on that major purchase:Determine the amount of your budget that you can afford to save each month.Have it direct—deposited to your savings account,or to your mutual fund.Wherever you decide to keep your savings,make sure you put money into it every month.That savings will make a big difference for you later. Whether it’S alcohol or tobacc0,if you use much of either,you know how expensive bad habits can be.Stop smoking and drinking,and put the beer/cigarette money toward your other expenses.You’ll see your bills come down--and feel your health improve--in no time.You’ll also save on health care expenses down the road,and you may become eligible for lower insurance premiums. Make sure you’re not the only member of your household concerned about your budget.If you’re working hard to save money,but your spouse is out spending you into debt,you’re fighting a losing battle.Sit down together and make a plan to determine how much spending money you should each have.Then,check in every week to see how well you’re doing.If the entire family shares the responsibility for the budget,everyone can cut back just a little and make a big difference.One person shouldn’t have to shoulder the entire burden alone. If you have credit card debt,you may feel like it’s going to take forever to pay it off.But you can get ahead by choosing one card--ideally,the one with the highest interest rate—and paying as much as you can on it every month.If you have other cards,pay the minimum balance on those until you’ve paid off the first card.Then,choose the next card and pay extra on it while you pay minimums on the others.If you Pay only the minimums on all your cards,yon’ll be paying a lot more in interest than you may realize. You probably monitored your expenses for several weeks to make a budget.Once the budget is made,though,it can be tempting to stop keeping up with every little expense.But keeping track really can help you stick to your budget.Save your receipts,and write down the places you spend money.You’ll be less likely to overspend if you realize how much money has actually gone through your hands. __________
【单选题】设全集U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},M={1,3,4,7},N={2,4,6,7},则图中阴影部分所表示的集合是(  )
【单选题】根据下列材料,请回答下列各题 You are going to read a list of headings and a text about how to select a fund.Choose the most suitable heading from the list A—G for each numbered paragraph(41-45).The first paragraph ...
Share the Responsibility
Keep Your Receipts
Cut Bad Habits
Balance Your Checkbook
Remain Flexible
Pay Down Debt
Focus on Savings You have a big expense coming up.You need a better car,or a bigger home,or you want to go back to college.What do you do?Borrow,borrow,borrow--right?Well,maybe not.If you’ve created a budget,you know exactly how much money you have coming in,and how much is going out.You can make some plans concerning that big expense.But if you don’t have a budget plan,you probably don’t have a very good picture of your finances,and you may be tempted to borrow more money rather than squeezing all you can from your income. It’s definitely better in the long run——for you and for your money—to have a budget. By now,you’ve set up your budget.You know how much money you have.But you could still use some help staying on budget.Here are some tips that can help you stick to your budget and get ahead on that major purchase:Determine the amount of your budget that you can afford to save each month.Have it direct—deposited to your savings account,or to your mutual fund.Wherever you decide to keep your savings,make sure you put money into it every month.That savings will make a big difference for you later. Whether it’S alcohol or tobacc0,if you use much of either,you know how expensive bad habits can be.Stop smoking and drinking,and put the beer/cigarette money toward your other expenses.You’ll see your bills come down--and feel your health improve--in no time.You’ll also save on health care expenses down the road,and you may become eligible for lower insurance premiums. Make sure you’re not the only member of your household concerned about your budget.If you’re working hard to save money,but your spouse is out spending you into debt,you’re fighting a losing battle.Sit down together and make a plan to determine how much spending money you should each have.Then,check in every week to see how well you’re doing.If the entire family shares the responsibility for the budget,everyone can cut back just a little and make a big difference.One person shouldn’t have to shoulder the entire burden alone. If you have credit card debt,you may feel like it’s going to take forever to pay it off.But you can get ahead by choosing one card--ideally,the one with the highest interest rate—and paying as much as you can on it every month.If you have other cards,pay the minimum balance on those until you’ve paid off the first card.Then,choose the next card and pay extra on it while you pay minimums on the others.If you Pay only the minimums on all your cards,yon’ll be paying a lot more in interest than you may realize. You probably monitored your expenses for several weeks to make a budget.Once the budget is made,though,it can be tempting to stop keeping up with every little expense.But keeping track really can help you stick to your budget.Save your receipts,and write down the places you spend money.You’ll be less likely to overspend if you realize how much money has actually gone through your hands. __________