【多选题】Which are acceptable as a summary of the original sentence in the following pairs?
People whose professional activity lies in the field of politics are not, on the whole, conspicuous for their respect for factual accuracy. Politicians seldom lie.
Failure to assimilate an adequate quantity of solid food over an extended period of time is absolutely certain to lead, in due course, to a fatal conclusion. Lack of food causes death.
The climatic conditions prevailing in the British Isles show a pattern of alternating and unpredictable periods of dry and wet weather, accompanied by a similarly irregular cycle of temperature changes. British weather is changeable.
It is undeniable that the large majority of non-native learners of English experience a number of problems in attempting to master the phonetic patterns of the language. It cannot be denied that many non-native learners of English experience a lot of problems in attempting to master the phonetic patterns of the language.
【单选题】在以下( )情况下,线程就进入可运行状态。
【单选题】San Francisco is located on the coast of California in an area often called the Bay Area. The weather is generally very mild, seldom getting really cold or really hot. Its mild climate is one reason m...
San Francisco has many neat things to do.
It seldom snows in California.
Many people choose to live in California.
The weather in San Francisco is generally very mild.
【单选题】可以配下边这幅画的诗句有( ) 1两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来 2两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山 3不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中 4不畏浮云遮望眼,只缘身在最高层