【判断题】Despite thorough testing and appropriate management practices, the introduction of agents into a facility or parts of it can always be avoided. It is therefore important that animals in breeding units...
【单选题】在西葫芦的皮色遗传中,已知黄皮基因(Y)对绿皮基因(y)为显性,但在另一白色显性基因(W)存在时,则基因Y和y都不能表达。两对基因独立遗传。现有WwYy的个体自交,其后代表现型种类及比例是 [ ]
【多选题】Equipment, ( ) and ( ) controlled and monitored by the driver are arranged in the driver cab
【单选题】在西葫芦的皮色遗传中,已知黄皮基因(Y)对绿皮基因(y)为显性,但在另一白色显性基因(W)存在时,则基因Y和y都不能表达。现有基因型为WwYy的个体自交,其后代表现型种类及比例是 [ ]
【判断题】Animals from commercial breeders are usually monitored carefully, and insufficient information on their health status is in most cases available.
【单选题】在西葫芦的皮色遗传中,已知黄皮基因(Y)对绿皮基因(y)为显性,但在另一白皮基因(W)存在时,基因Y和y都不能正常表达(两对基因独立遗传)。现有基因型为WwYy的个体自交,其后代表现型种类及比例是 [ ]