0 The concept of a paperless office grew with the advance of technology. It was 00 widely been claimed that as email became commonplace, people would stop 1 writing memos, keeping bulky files and bringing piles of paper to the meetings. 2 But the reality has in fact been quite the reverse, and paper, having already 3 survived five thousand years of technological change, and has proved remarkably 4 resilient. Worldwide, the amount of paper used for each year continues to 5 rise up, although statistics now show a slight reduction in the amount 6 it consumed in the UK. So, has technology failed in its aim to end the use of 7 paper? Max Bray, a business lecturer, thinks office workers still distrust computers. 8 ‘Technology is unreliable in most of people's eyes,’ he says. 'If you are sent an 9 important email, you are likely to print it, because there is always the 10 fear that it might have get deleted.’ In contrast, Paul Blunt, a marketing 11 manager for desktop products, who says there has been significant progress in 12 automating a wide range of tasks, even though the transition between has been more of an evolution than a revolution.