【简答题】六国论 苏洵 六国,非兵不利,战不善,弊在赂秦。赂秦而力亏,之道也。 或曰:六国互丧,率赂秦耶? ”曰:“不赂者以赂者丧,盖失强援,不能独完。故曰,弊在赂秦也。 秦以攻取之外,小则获邑,大则得城。较秦之年得与战胜而得者,其实百倍;诸侯之所亡与战败而亡者,其实亦百倍。则秦之所大欲,诸侯之所大患,固不在战矣。思厥先祖父,暴霜露,斩荆棘,以有尺寸之地。子孙视之不甚惜,举以予人,如弃草芥。今日割五...
【简答题】her feeling after too long on the internet
【单选题】After a long hiking, the boy was ________ tired to walk. [ ]
【多选题】After too long on the Net, the author felt that:
A phone call can be a shock because Net is a silent world.
She could not follow her BF's accent because she got used to written words on screen.
A secretary's clipped tone seems more rejecting because she got used to voice from Net.
Time itself is not stable, because you cannot tell time from the reality.
【单选题】Life Connected with Computer After too long on the Net, even a phone call can be a shock. My boyfriend's Liverpudlian accent suddenly becomes indecipherable after the clarity of his words on screen, a...
【简答题】After a long walk, she was too tired to go any (far) ______.
【单选题】After the long illness my mother was too ________to climb the steps.
【简答题】After too long on th e Net,even a phone call can be a shock. My boyfriend's Liverpudlian accent suddenly becomes too difficult to understand after his clear words on screen; a secretary's tone seems m...