( 二 ) I know a man called John Smith who is a very unusual millionaire. __1___ makes him unusual is that he has no money. He says the average millionaire never uses money and always gets other people to pay for taxis or drinks. This is because he is ___2___ used to thinking in millions that small amounts of money are not worth thinking about. But this does not mean he has no worries. On the contrary, the average millionaire worries constantly about his business. His great wealth also makes ___3___ difficult for him to be happy and comfortable with other people. Are they friendly because they like him? ___4___ do they pretend to like him because they want his money? John Smith says he feels very sorry for millionaires, __5__, instead of being masters of their wealth, are slaves of their money. In one way, ___6__, John Smith always behaves exactly like a millionaire. I mean he never has any money and ___7___ (general) manages to persuade someone else to pay for his drinks. But ___8___ other very rich men, he gives back good value for money. He is full of jokes and fun. An evening ___9___ (spend) with him is not cheap, because he is unusually very thirsty, but he always makes people happy. He does not give much thought for tomorrow. He is the happiest man I have ever met. Whenever I meet him, he tells me,” In money I am not rich, but in peace of mind I am a millionaire,” And then the world’s richest, ___ 1 0___ (penny) man usually adds, with a smile,” Do you have time for another drink? “How can I refuse?”
【单选题】_____________ the traffic lights. [     ]
Look at
【单选题】例 2:2020扬州高三语文期中 在复兴中学《新闻采编》的校本课程中,张老师分享了如下的学校国庆报道,据此拟写标题 最合适 的一项是 ( ) ( 3分 ) 在新中国成立 70周年之际,复兴中学于9月28日开展了 “向国旗致敬,做新时代筑梦人”国庆主题教育系列活动。伴随着《我和我的祖国》的旋律,高三(1)班同学脸贴国旗贴纸、列出“中国”“70”队形、高唱爱国歌曲,宣誓为中华之崛起而读书。同学们表示这...
向国旗致敬,做新时代筑梦人 复兴中学开展国庆主题教育系列活动
【单选题】第五个“中小学弘扬和培育民族精神月”期间,某班以“做一个有道德的人”为主题出一期黑板报,宣传委员让同学们从《时事》杂志中查找了下列素材。你认为适合使用的有() ①第三届中国北京国际文化创意产业博览会圆满落幕 ②实施“中国未成年人网脉工程”,推动青少年文明上网 ③抢救保存各地方言和少数民族语言的中国语言资源有声数据库启动 ④“学习英雄少年,弘扬抗震救灾精神”主题教育活动在各地开展
【单选题】In the near future we can look for more women in leadership roles.
【单选题】Part B (10 points) You are going to read a list of headings and a text about maples. Choose the most suitable heading from the list for each numbered paragraph. The first and last paragraphs of the te...
The influence of maples on the Canadian culture.
The token of maples in Canada.
Contemplation of global distribution of maples.
The triumph of Nokomis over the devils with the help of maples.
The popularity of the maple in a favorite myth.
The maple signals the approach of fall. The maple smoke of autumn bonfires is incense to Canadians. Bestowing perfume for the nose, color for the eye, sweetness for the spring tongue, the sugar maple prompts this sharing of a favorite myth and original etymology of the word maple. (41)______. The maple looms large in Ojibwa folk tales. The time of year for sugaring-off is 'in the Maple Moon.' Among Ojibwa, the primordial female figure is Nokomis, a wise grandmother. In one tale about seasonal change, cannibal wendigos—creatures of evil—chased old Nokomis through the autumn countryside. Wendigos throve in icy cold. When they entered the bodies of humans, the human heart froze solid. Here wendigos represent oncoming winter. They were hunting to kill and eat poor Nokomis, the warm embodiment of female fecundity who, like the summer, has grown old. (42)______. Knowing this was a pursuit to the death, Nokomis outsmarted the cold devils. She hid in a stand of maple trees, all red and orange and deep yellow. This maple grove grew beside a waterfall whose mist blurred the trees' outline. As they peered through the mist, slavering wendigos thought they saw a raging fire in which their prey was burning. But it was only old Nokomis being hidden by the bright red leaves of her friends, the maples. And so, drooling ice and huffing frost, the wendigos left her and sought easier preys. For their service in saving the earth mother's life, these maples were given a special gift: their water of life would be forever sweet, and Canadians would tap it for nourishment. (43)______. Maple and its syrup row sweetly into Canadian humor. Quebeckers have the standard sirop durable for maple syrup, but add a feisty insult to label imitation syrups that are thick with glucose glop. They call this sugary imposter sirop de Poteau 'telephone-pole syrup' or dead tree syrup. (44)______. The contention that maple syrup is unique to North America is suspect, I believe, China has close to 10 species of maple, more than any country in the world. Canada has 10 native species. North America does happen to be home to the sugar maple, the species that produces the sweetest sap and the most abundant flow. But are we to believe that in thousands of years of Chinese history, these inventive people never tapped a maple to taste its sap? I speculate that they did. Could Proto-Americas who crossed the Bering land bridge to populate the Americas have brought with them a knowledge of maple syrup? Is there a very old Chinese phrase for maple syrup? Is maple syrup mentioned in Chinese literature? For a non-reader of Chinese, such questions are daunting but not impossible to answer. (45)______. What is certain is the maple's holdfast on our national imagination. Its leaf was adopted as an emblem in New France as early as 1700, and in English Canada by the mid-19th century. In the fall of 1867, a Toronto schoolteacher named Alexander Muir was traipsing a street at the city, all squelchy underfoot from the soft felt of falling leaves, when a maple leaf alighted to his coat sleeve and stuck there. At home that evening, he wrote a poem and set it to music, in celebration of Canada's Confederation. Muir's song, 'The Maple Leaf Forever,' was wi
【单选题】If you don't know how to read new words, them in dictionary. [     ]
look, for
look, after
look, at
look, up
【单选题】Part B (10 points) You are going to read a list of headings and a text about maples. Choose the most suitable heading from the list for each numbered paragraph. The first and last paragraphs of the te...
The influence of maples on the Canadian culture.
The token of maples in Canada.
Contemplation of global distribution of maples.
The triumph of Nokomis over the devils with the help of maples.
The popularity of the maple in a favorite myth.
The maple signals the approach of fall. The maple smoke of autumn bonfires is incense to Canadians. Bestowing perfume for the nose, color for the eye, sweetness for the spring tongue, the sugar maple prompts this sharing of a favorite myth and original etymology of the word maple. (41)______. The maple looms large in Ojibwa folk tales. The time of year for sugaring-off is 'in the Maple Moon.' Among Ojibwa, the primordial female figure is Nokomis, a wise grandmother. In one tale about seasonal change, cannibal wendigos—creatures of evil—chased old Nokomis through the autumn countryside. Wendigos throve in icy cold. When they entered the bodies of humans, the human heart froze solid. Here wendigos represent oncoming winter. They were hunting to kill and eat poor Nokomis, the warm embodiment of female fecundity who, like the summer, has grown old. (42)______. Knowing this was a pursuit to the death, Nokomis outsmarted the cold devils. She hid in a stand of maple trees, all red and orange and deep yellow. This maple grove grew beside a waterfall whose mist blurred the trees' outline. As they peered through the mist, slavering wendigos thought they saw a raging fire in which their prey was burning. But it was only old Nokomis being hidden by the bright red leaves of her friends, the maples. And so, drooling ice and huffing frost, the wendigos left her and sought easier preys. For their service in saving the earth mother's life, these maples were given a special gift: their water of life would be forever sweet, and Canadians would tap it for nourishment. (43)______. Maple and its syrup row sweetly into Canadian humor. Quebeckers have the standard sirop durable for maple syrup, but add a feisty insult to label imitation syrups that are thick with glucose glop. They call this sugary imposter sirop de Poteau 'telephone-pole syrup' or dead tree syrup. (44)______. The contention that maple syrup is unique to North America is suspect, I believe, China has close to 10 species of maple, more than any country in the world. Canada has 10 native species. North America does happen to be home to the sugar maple, the species that produces the sweetest sap and the most abundant flow. But are we to believe that in thousands of years of Chinese history, these inventive people never tapped a maple to taste its sap? I speculate that they did. Could Proto-Americas who crossed the Bering land bridge to populate the Americas have brought with them a knowledge of maple syrup? Is there a very old Chinese phrase for maple syrup? Is maple syrup mentioned in Chinese literature? For a non-reader of Chinese, such questions are daunting but not impossible to answer. (45)______. What is certain is the maple's holdfast on our national imagination. Its leaf was adopted as an emblem in New France as early as 1700, and in English Canada by the mid-19th century. In the fall of 1867, a Toronto schoolteacher named Alexander Muir was traipsing a street at the city, all squelchy underfoot from the soft felt of falling leaves, when a maple leaf alighted to his coat sleeve and stuck there. At home that evening, he wrote a poem and set it to music, in celebration of Canada's Confederation. Muir's song, 'The Maple Leaf Forever,' was wi