Complete the following sentences w it h wards chosen tom the box below You may not use a ny wo rd s mo r e th an once. Change the form where necessary. o ptimal condone descend fundamental drawback s ufficient intuit discard impoverish purview 1) Until we'd built up __________ forces to drive the invaders back, we pursued a poli c y of containment. 2) Millions of people all over the world tuned in to watch Miss Catherine Middleton ________ from her wedding carriage and enter Westminster Abbey with her beautiful wedding dress. 3) These are questions that do not come within the _______ of our inquiry. 4) Don't make any reference to the _____ for the wrong reason. 5) Clues to the solution are present but are over l ooked or _______ for the wrong reason. 6) Bangladesh cannot _________ the violation of the princip les of non-intervention and noninterference in the internal affairs of states 7) There are __________ differences between your r eligious beliefs and mine. 8) If you find yourself waiting to be great yearning for the __________ time when you can " a fford”to do more, then you are saying at some level , i f you can't help everyone , you help no one. 9) One in four Americans, particularly those in rural and ________ areas, often lack access to the Internet. 10) I ______ all along about the outcome of the battle, but again could not help sighing in the agreement.