【单选题】You're heading to the Windjammer and someone spills coffee on your shirt. What should you do?
Wipe it off and try to hid the stain
Find a plain white dress shirt of your own
Inform your supervisor.
Go back to your room, change into a uniform shirt that doesn't have a stain on it, and show up a little late to your shift.
【单选题】If you, the special one in the world, want to show your ______ personality, this T-shirt is exactly what you are looking for.
【单选题】1949 年 9 月 7 日,( )向政协代表报告时指出:今天帝国主义想分裂我们的西藏、新疆甚至台湾。“在这种情况下,我们国家的名称叫中华人民共和国,而不叫联邦。”
【单选题】用于铸造的合金通称为铸造合金,常用的铸造合金有铸铁、铸钢和铸造有色金属,其中( )使用最为普遍
【单选题】Tom, you can go to the clothes store and see the shirt for _____ . [ ]
【单选题】2019年版第五套人民币发行的纸币面额包含( )
【单选题】3dsmax中选择模型后按ALT+X 代表什么操作: