【单选题】听力原文:Professor Lawrence is going to retire, but she is still going to lead a graduate seminar each semester. What's tree about Professor Lawrence?
She has found a new job at another university.
She has become the head of the graduate school.
She will continue to work part-time.
【判断题】由火山喷出的岩浆,地震引起的山崩或泥石流引起的滑坡体等壅塞河床,积水而成的叫火山口湖,如五大连池,长白山天池等。( )
【单选题】( )是指物流的若干功能要素之间存在着损益矛盾,即某一功能要素的优化和利益发生的同时,必然会存在另一个或几个功能要素的利益损失,反之亦是如此。
【简答题】A.She was a woman. B.She wrote too many letters. C.She couldn't graduate from medical school. D.She couldn't establish her hospital.
【简答题】A.She will graduate soon. B.She will find a job soon. C.She will hand in her essay soon. D.She will go to Dr. Ellis' office soon.