清华大学、中国科学院联合研究发现了由抗病蛋白组成的抗病小体,并解析了其处于抑制状态、中间状态及五聚体活化状态的冷冻电镜结构,从而揭示了抗病蛋白管控和激活的核心分子机制,为将来更好地利用抗病蛋白培育抗病植物提供了新的机遇。这表明 1认识的真理性需要不断经受实践的检验 2实践发展为认识的深化提供了新的条件 3人类认识的无限性决定了人能够获得全部真理 4科学研究的价值在于指导人们造福社会 A . 12 B . 13 C . 24 D . 34
【简答题】Rewrite the following sentences and replace the underlined words with appropriate phrases from the text. 1.The firm is every effort to expand its markets overseas. 2. The 10 am express to Beiji...
【简答题】Fill in the blanks according to what you've heard. I. The of CDs A. Recording a. First they do a (1) _____________________ — on (2) _________________. b. Then the videotape is played through a...