Hello class, If each of you were to bet on your future, what would it be? How about seeing yourself as a winner! Take my word for it: everyone — yes, I mean every single one of you! — is born with 1) and the capacity to master 2) . These innate and learned skills are your assets and strengths. Obviously no one can be perfect. Everybody has their limitations. But winners are people who do not let their limitations 3) . Instead, they 4) their potential. They do this by playing 5) . In fact, they 6) their strengths, as if they had no limitations. Yet strengths vary with individuals. They are different 7) . Just as you need to know your limitations, you have to know your strengths. What it 8) is the power and truth of the ancient Greek maxim: Know thyself. 9) is key to knowing yourself. Its importance to whom you 10) in the future cannot be overemphasized. Develop 11) of your specific strengths, ones on which to build a positive self-image. Draw on them to actualize yourself more and more as time goes by. Now, do you still recall what I said 12) ? About seeing yourself as a winner? In this case, seeing and becoming are one and the same.