【单选题】I looked under ___ table and found ____ pen I lost last week.
【单选题】Many feel Kennedy's commitment was a desperate political maneuver to lift himself out of the calamity of the Bay of Pigs.
【单选题】I looked under_____bed and found ___books I lost last week.
【单选题】The lift was out of ______, so we had to watk all the way up to the top floor.
【单选题】Soon there is enough force to lift the plane ___ the ground.
【简答题】场景 某炼钢厂的设备安装工程被A机电公司承包。工程中最主要的是焊接工程,此项工程要求十分严格,不允许在设备表面留有咬口或裂纹等缺陷。为了保证焊接质量,工程采用防止焊接应力和焊接变形的措施,达到了很好的效果。 根据场景,回答下列 19~23 问题: 第 19 题 对压力容器焊接工艺评定时,( )要进行外观检查。