【判断题】2016年5月1日新纳入营改增试点的增值税一般纳税人,2016年5月至7月期间不需进行增值税发票认证,2016年8月起按照纳税信用级别分别适用发票认证的有关规定。( )
【单选题】Hearin g the news that he had been ______as general manager of the big company, he ______ with excitement and joy, forgetting that he was showing some visitors around.
【简答题】He recommended thatinstruction start with the general and then move to the particular and that nothing in books be accepted unless checked by a demonstration to the senses.
【单选题】在Excel中,某公式引用了一组单元格,它们是 (C3:D7,A2:F2) ,则该公式引用的单元格总数为( ) 。