Which of the following is a pair of converse antonyms ? A. Old: young. B. Dead: alive. C. Older: younger. D. Good: bad. 2. The letter “ n ” in the word ten is pronounced as [ten] while in the word tenth is pronounced as [ten θ ]. T his linguistic phenomenon is __________ . A. nasalization B. dentalization C. velarization D. devoicing 3 . Which of the following is true about complementary antonymy? A . The denial of one means the assertion of the other. B . There is an intermediate ground between the two. C . Usually two entities are involved; one presupposes the other. D . There is a cover term for the two members of a pair. 4 . ____________ refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word. A . S ynonymy B . Antonymy C . Hyponymy D . Polysemy 5 . The stem and root of the word “overdoes” are respectively_________. A . overdo, do B . do, do C . overdo, over do D . do, overdo 6 . W hich of the following is NOT a suprasegmental feature? A . Intonation. B . Stress. C . Tone. D . Aspiration. 7 . The pair of words “lend” and “borrow” are . A. gradable antonymy B. converse antony ms C. synonyms D. co-hyponyms 8 . The sounds [t], [d] , and [n] occur at the same place of articulation , i. e. they are all ________ ___ . A . b ilabials B . d entals C . alveolars D . palatal s 9 . A syllable must have a(n) __________. A . o nset B . nucleus C . coda D . stress 10 . Which of the following is NOT included in Halliday’s three metafunctions? A . Interpersonal function. B . Ideational function. C . Metalingual function. D . Textual function.