【单选题】富贵村股民张大爷对股市非常关心,2007年4月20日,上证综指早盘高开11点,以3460.90点开盘后,随即逐波上攻,至终盘报收于3584.20点,较上一个交易日上涨了( )。
【简答题】May 23, 20— The American Trading Co., Inc. Marunouchi, Tokyo Re Offering Printing Machines Gentlemen, We hand you enclosed drawings of two printing machines, requesting you to inform us by return of t...
【单选题】富贵村股民张大爷对股市非常关心,2007年4月2日上证综指早盘高开11点,以3460.90点开盘后随即上涨至终盘报收于3584.20点。较上一个交易日上涨了( )。
【单选题】According to the passage, what shall we human being do to remedy the damage to the earth?
Choose to live in the countryside rather than in the city.
Educate the young to protect the earth.
Stop killing endangered animals.