【简答题】比较资产阶级维新派和洋务派在近代化探索道路上有什么不同?此题出自2015年内蒙古通辽中考历史真题及答案 ,2015年内蒙古通辽市中考历史试题 1840年以来,一些先进的中国人为实现民族独立和国家强盛进行了积极的探索,虽然遭遇了各种挫折,却仍然在孜孜以求„„ 阅读下列材料,回答问题: 材料一 “这场持续了约三十五年的运动(注:指洋务运动),是一种浮于表面的近代化尝试;它只采纳了西方文明中那些具有直接...
【简答题】《定风波》(莫听穿林打叶声)是苏轼豪放词的代表作。( )
【单选题】His mother likes to have him next to her ________ she can keep an eye on him.
【简答题】“莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行”的词作者是辛弃疾。 ( )
【简答题】根据材料二并结合所学知识,分析这次探索有什么积极作用?此题出自2015年内蒙古通辽中考历史真题及答案 ,2015年内蒙古通辽市中考历史试题 1840年以来,一些先进的中国人为实现民族独立和国家强盛进行了积极的探索,虽然遭遇了各种挫折,却仍然在孜孜以求„„ 阅读下列材料,回答问题: 材料一 “这场持续了约三十五年的运动(注:指洋务运动),是一种浮于表面的近代化尝试;它只采纳了西方文明中那些具有直接实...
【单选题】What does "She had a lazy eye" mean?
She was so lazy that she didn't want to open her eyes
She looked down upon others.
She rolled her eyes at others
Her vision in one eye didn't develop properly so she had to rely more on the other eye.
【简答题】A.She's going to the eye doctor. B.She's supervising new employees. C.She's having her dinner in the cafeteria. D.She's looking for some help.
【单选题】She glanced her eye down the ____ advertisements.