【单选题】Using the definition of unemployment, which of the following individuals would be unemployed?
A full-time student quits school, enters the labor market for the first time, and searches for employment.
Because of the increased level of automobile imports, an employee of General Motors is laid off but expects to be called back to work soon.
Because of a reduction in the military budget, your next door neighbor loses her job in a plant where nuclear warheads are made and must look for a new job.
All of these individuals are unemployed.
【单选题】( 1 )下列哪一种病理表现是儿童急性链球菌感染后肾小球肾炎的病理特点?( )
【多选题】在气象预报中,对预报量的预报常常需要从可能影响预报量 y 的诸多因素中挑选一批关系显著的作为预报因子。在应用多元线性回归的方法建立回归方程来做预报时,既要选择对预报量影响显著的因子,又要使回归方程的残差方差估计很小,这样才有利于气象预报。( )方法就是选择这种最优的回归方程。一般分为三种方案:逐步剔除方案 , 逐步引进方案 , 双重检验的逐步回归方案。从包含全部变量的回归方程中逐步剔除不显著的...