【单选题】Which of the following is a behavioral mistake according to the western dining etiquette?
After cutting the food, Americans would place the knife at the top of the plate, blade facing in and switch the fork to the right hand and eat with it.
Right-handed, one takes the fork with the right hand, and the knife with the left.
When leaving the table permanently, one puts his napkin to the left of the dinner plate.
When having soup, one always uses a spoon to pick up the soup from near to far.
【多选题】能力矩阵图中,我们可以将自己的能力根据哪两个维度进行分类( )?
【判断题】根据《中华人民共和国国际货物运输代理业务管理规定》,国际货运代理作为独立经营人,在揽货、订舱、签单时,可以向货主收取运费、杂费、也可 以收取佣金。 ” ( )
【判断题】订舱、签单时,可以向货主收取运费、杂费,也可以收取佣金。( )
【简答题】有关消费者行为心理学的研究发现,消费者至少可以被分为五种角色: ()、()、()、()和()。