【单选题】If the leftmost bit in ( ) number representation is 0, then the decimal number is positive.
【判断题】The first set of a sequence of symbols α , written as First( α) , is the set of terminals which start all the sequences of symbols derivable from α . A bit more formally, consider all strings derivabl...
【单选题】假定某企业生产甲工时定额为100小时,经两道工序组成,每道工序的定额工时分别为80小时和20小时,则第二道工序的完工程度是( )
【简答题】乘用车主要用于载运乘客及其随身行李,其座位少于 ( )座。
【单选题】If the leftmost bit in __________ number representation is 0, then the decimal number is positive integers.