【简答题】下面对转向系统叙述正确的是?What is the correct description of the next steering system?A. 改变或保持汽车行驶或倒退方向To change or maintain the direction of the vehicle or reverse direction.B. 可以过任何障碍You can go through any obst...
When the power from the engine continues to be transmitted to the chassis, it begins with power train or transmission system, goes on to the suspension system, steering system and braking system.
When the power from the engine continues to be transmitted to the chassis, it begins with steering system , goes on to the suspension system, power train or transmission system and braking system.
When the power from the engine continues to be transmitted to the braking system, it begins with power train or transmission system, goes on to the suspension system, steering system.
These individual system interact with each other closely to make the wheels run and the car move safely and smoothly under the control of the driver.
【单选题】2020年春节期间,面对新冠病毒肆虐疫情,医无私,警无畏,恪尽职守,能者竭力,万民同心。从人的价值角度看,这是因为( ) 1人的价值就在于创造价值 2人的价值在于对社会的物质贡献 3人的价值在于对社会的责任和贡献 4实现人生价值需要社会对个人的尊重和满足
【单选题】2012年是《感动中国》十周年,十年沉淀下来的感动,是中国人心灵的历史,是一种不断升华的精神价值。100多个普通人的故事能感动我们的心灵,这说明()。 ①对一个人价值的评价就是看其贡献 ②有令人感动故事的人才能实现人生价值 ③人的价值在于创造价值 ④在个人与社会的统一中实现人生价值
【单选题】“ 苟利国家生死以 , 岂因祸福避趋之 ” 。这句诗体现的人生价值观是( ) 1 人的价值在于对社会的责任和贡献 2 有价值的人生是不考虑个人利益的 3 对社会贡献的大小决定了人生价值的高低 4 人的价值在于实现社会对自我的满足
【判断题】(2015年)采用品种法时,一般每月末计算产品成本。( )