【单选题】Ask a friend to _____ your signature.
【单选题】The Turners have a very practical little table that folds up out of the way when _________.
【简答题】(A=Amy B=Briney S=Salesman) S: Good morning, can I help you? A: No, thanks. We are just looking ___________. S: Take your time. Please let me know if you need any help. A: OK, thanks. We will. B: ...
【单选题】very useful, these ideas are not practical.
【单选题】The new study in this passage shows that____.
many Americans are very practical when they search for a spouse
American 20-somethings have a largely romantic view of marriage
Romantic view of marriage might lead marriage to a happy ending
Americans are fond of marriage life so they will not care cohabitation
【简答题】对话一:(答案都小写) unit 4听力对话1.mov S: Good morning, can I help you? A: No, thanks. We are just looking 1. ___________. S: Take your time. Please let me know if you need any help. A: OK, thanks. We will. B: ...
【简答题】案例: 坚守乡村三十余载的模范教师——邹有云 江西省永修县柘林镇太阳山教学点的全国模范教师邹有云,为了山里的孩子,在大山深处的三尺讲台上坚守三十余年,默默奉献,取得非凡的教学业绩。 1974年,邹老师离开村小,来到大山深处的太阳山教学点,开始了三十多年的一校一师的教学生涯。在学校里他既是老师、校长,又是爸爸、炊事员、维修工,除了要完成四个年级全部课程的复式教学,还要负责孩子的接送、用餐、行为习惯培...