【单选题】¿En qué zona de España localizas Cataluña?
【多选题】新能源又称非常规能源 ,以下属于新能源的有( )
【简答题】What else influence influences the developm e n t of travel industry nowadays in add i tion to economic f a ctors?
【简答题】【汉译英】 是一场以先进青年知识分子为先锋、广大人民群众参加的彻底反帝反封建的伟大爱国革命运动,是一场中国人民为拯救民族危亡、捍卫民族尊严、凝聚民族力量而掀起的伟大社会革命运动,是一场传播新思想新文化新知识的伟大思想启蒙运动和新文化运动。
【单选题】五四运动是一场以先进青年知识分子为先锋、广大人民群众参加的彻底反帝反封建的 伟大爱国革命运动 。 The May Fourth Movement was ______________________________ pioneered by advanced young intellectuals and participated by the people from all walks of l...
a great social revolutionary movement
a great patriotic and revolutionary campaign
a great enlightenment and new cultural movement