【单选题】适用于最后锉光和锉削不大平面的锉削方法是 ( ) 。
【单选题】No one knew the man's age until he ___ it by accident.
【单选题】No one knew the man’s age until he ______ it by accident.
【简答题】在画受力图的时候,我们会把梁用( )来表示。
【单选题】某公司是美国占支配地位的计算机芯片制造商,当他们推出一种新产品时,定价总是比同类产品定价低,在销售第一年可能获利很小,但他们很快就把产品打入了市场,第二、三年会大销售产品而获利。他们采用的是( )策略。
【单选题】If you are going to lose weight, you should ______.
order your meals with three different sizes
carefully plan your meals according to the portion sizes
make a plan of cooking your own meals
have three fresh meals every day
【简答题】Once upon a time, there was a man who was so famous that everyone in his country knew him. One day, the famous man was sitting in a restaurant with his sister. “It must be great to be famous. Everyone...
【简答题】请考生在第(22)、(23)、(24)三题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题记分。做答时用2B铅笔在答题卡上把所选题目的题号涂黑。 (22)(本小题满分10分)选修4-1:几何证明选讲 如图,已经⊙O和⊙M相交于A、B两点,AD为⊙M的直径,直线BD交⊙O于点C,点G为弧BD中点,连结AG分别交⊙O、BD于点E、F,连结CE. (Ⅰ) 求证:AG·EF=CE·GD; (Ⅱ) 求证: