【判断题】The glass ceiling is a barrier to advancement tohigher-level jobs in the company that adversely affects women andminorities.
【单选题】从本质上来看,代表着家庭为实现其功能而发展的操作规则的总和是( )
【单选题】盘香管式废气锅炉要求减小蒸发量可停止 盘管进水。
【简答题】Glass ceiling is aterm coined in the 1970s in the US to describe the ____ artificial barrierscreated within organizations which bar women from top executive jobs.A. 选我 B. 别选我 C. 选谁好呢? D. 别看了,忘记给选项了
【单选题】1 Andy says the glass ceiling is partly caused by______.
(a) women wanting to take time off to have children
(b) men not believing that women are good at management
(c) men disliking having women in positions of power
(d)men not believing that women with children can give as much time to their jobs as men