How to Make it in College I. Get good grades The secret: figure out a 1 --five tips A. set up a study place --Where there are no 2 --that is quiet and boring B. Get into a study 3 --decide to get your studying done -- do not doodle in your 4 C. Skim the textbook first --read the title, the subtitles, 5 , the pictures, the first and last paragraphs D. Take notes on what you are studying --jot down 6 and phrases in the margins E. Review after you have read and taken notes --tell yourself about the most important points in the chapter 7 II. 8 the tight schedule The secret: organize your time Three tactics: A. Prepare a monthly calendar --mark down 9 B. Make up a study schedule --fill in your 10 hours. C. Use to-to lists III. Have a positive attitude.