第一节 词义选择题(5小题,每题2分,共计10分) 从下列各题的A、B、C三个先选中选出与划线部分的英文单词、词组或者短语含义相符的中文选项。 1. Ms. will attend a job interview at a big electronic company. A.面试 B.采访 C.考试 2. What shall we bring with me, by the way ?. A.在路边 B.顺便问一下 C.顺路 3. I want to get a job that has something to do with computer. A.有事处理 B.有事要做 C.与...有关 4. We are looking for an experienced salesperson. A.实验的 B.有经验的 C.新手的 5. Make eye contact with the interviewers and thank them for inviting you. A.与...有眼神交流 B.联系眼睛 C.盯住