【单选题】甲企业销售库存商品一批,收到价款200万元,该批商品成本170万元,已提存货跌价准备35万元,应结转销售成本( )万元。
【简答题】Chinese history has s the land of Beijing with s of cultural and historical interest. Some of them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and the Summer Palace are World Cu...
【单选题】根据中国证监会2007年3月对开放式基金认购费计算方法的统一规定,基金认购费的计算公式为( )
【简答题】Old car tyres Car tyres are a big problem for the environment because they are non-degradable. If you just store them under the ground, they can give off toxins and chemicals into the earth around the...
【简答题】The scofflaw spirit is pervasive. It is not really surprising when schools find, as some do, that children frequently enter not knowing some of the basic rules of living together. For all their differ...
【单选题】甲公司与乙公司签订买卖合同,以市场价格购买乙公司生产的设备一台,双方交付完毕。设备投入使用后,丙公司向法院起诉甲公司,提出该设备属于丙公司的专利产品,乙公司未经许可制造并销售了该设备,请求法院判令甲公司停止使用。经查,乙公司侵权属实,但甲公司并不知情。关于此案,法院下列哪一做法是正确的? ()