【判断题】Linear language has affected communication patterns and business practices in the United States, an example of such business practice is long-range planning.
【多选题】it is business-planning framework for management of material, service, information and capital flows, including the increasingly complex information,communication and control system required in today’...
【判断题】未达账项,是指银行与企业之间,由于结算凭证传递上的时间差,导致一方已入账而另一方未入账的款项。( )
【单选题】Even when the economic situation is ....... , there is always present the need for planning in a new business.
【单选题】纤维原料的选用应该遵循的原则包括:( ) ①满足非织造材料使用性能的要求 ②满足非织造材料加工工艺和设备对纤维的要求 ③满足性价比的平衡 ④满足环境资源方面的要求