1 Researchers uncovered a serious flaw in the underlying technology for nearly all Internet traffic, a discovery that led to an urgent and secretive international effort to prevent global disruptions of Web surfing, e-mails and instant messages. 2 The British government announced the vulnerability in core Internet technology on Tuesday. Left unaddressed, experts said, it could allow hackers to knock computers offline and broadly disrupt vital traffic-directing devices, called routers, that coordinate the flow of data among distant groups of computers. 3 'Exploitation of this vulnerability could have affected the glue that holds the Internet together,' said Roger Cumming, director for England's National Infrastructure Security Coordination Centre. 4 The Homeland Security Department issued its own cyberalert hours later that attacks 'could affect a large segment of the Internet community.' It said normal Internet operations probably would resume after such attacks stopped. Experts said there were no reports of attacks using this technique. 5 The risk was similar to Internet users 'running naked through the jungle, which didn't matter until somebody released some tigers,' said Paul Vixie of the Internet Systems Consortium Inc. 6 'It's a significant risk,' Vixie said. 'The larger Internet providers are jumping on this big time. It's really important this just gets fixed before the bad guys start exploiting it for fun and recognition.' 7 The flaw affecting the Internet's 'transmission control protocol,' or TCP, was discovered late last year by a computer researcher in Milwaukee. Paul Watson said he identified a method to reliably trick personal computers and routers into shutting down electronic conversations by resetting the machines remotely. 8 Routers continually exchange important updates about the most efficient traffic routes between large networks. Continued successful attacks against routers can cause them to go into a standby mode, known as 'dampening,' that can persist for hours. 9 Experts previously said such attacks could take between four years and 142 years to succeed because they require guessing a rotating number from roughly 4 billion possible combinations. Watson said he can guess the proper number with as few as four attempts, which can be accomplished within seconds. 10 Cisco Systems Inc., which acknowledged its popular routers were among those vulnerable, distributed software repairs and tips to otherwise protect large corporate customers. There were few steps for home users to take Microsoft Corp. said it did not believe Windows users were too vulnerable and made no immediate plans to update its software. 11 Using Watson's technique to attack a computer running Windows 'would not be something that would be easy to do,' said Steve Lipner, Microsoft's director for security engineering strategy. 12 Already in recent weeks, some U. S. government agencies and companies operating the most important digital pipelines have fortified their own vulnerable systems because of early warnings communicated by some security organizations. The White House has expressed concerns especially about risks to crucial Internet routers because attacks against them could profoundly disrupt online traffic. 13 'Any flaw to a fundamental protocol would raise significant concern and require significant attention by the folks who run the major infrastructures of the Internet,' said Amit Yoran, the government's cyber security chief. The flaw has dominated discussions since last week among experts in security circles. 14 The public announcement coincides with a presentation Watson expects to make Thursday at an Internet security conference in V
Serious flaw uncovered in a core Internet technology had attracted international attention.
The Internet is held together by the glue.
Normal Internet operations may survive the hacker attacks.
Hackers could attack computers without getting online.
【简答题】读“美国农业专业化类型分布图”,完成下列问题: (1)将农业图中的字母与所属农业类型用线连接起来 A         商品谷物农业 B         乳畜业 C         大牧场放牧业 (2)图中牛奶一蔬菜带考虑的区位因素是 ;其中水果、蔬菜、花卉在东南部生产,然后供应东北地区,更体现了 因素对农业区位的影响在地域上大为扩展,这是由于交通运输的改善和 等技术的发展而实现的。
【简答题】读“美国本土农业带(区)分布图”,回答下列问题。 (1)填写地理名称: 大洋、海湾:① ② ③ 。 农业带(区):A B C 。 (2)美国农业实行专门化的生产,其好处是
【简答题】读“美国本土农业带(区)分布图”,回答下列问题。 (1)大洋、海湾:① __________②__________③__________。 (2)农业带(区):A__________B__________C__________D __________F__________。
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【简答题】读美国地形图和人口分布图完成下列各题. (1)请你从地形分布、地势特点分析美国的地形特点.______ (2)美国农业地区专门化明显,五大湖区附近的农业带是______,根据人口分布图分析其发展的主要社会原因是______. (3)美国人酷爱篮球,很多球队的名称与所在地区主要的经济部门关系密切,请举两例说明.______.
【简答题】读美国农业带分布图,完成下列各题。(10分) (1)美国商品谷物农业,种植的作物主要是B_______和C_______。商品谷物农业地域类型的基本特征是① ;② 。 (2)美国的乳畜业主要分布在图中字母_______处,因为该处具备发展乳畜业的两个主要区位条件,一是 ; 二是 。 (3)从美国农业带分布图上,可以反映出美国农业特点(    ) A.农业区域专业化 B.农业一体化 C.农业高度机械...
【简答题】读“美国农业带分布图”,回答下列问题。(12分) (1)写出美国本土所濒临的海洋或海湾名称:(3分) ① ,② ,③ 。 (2)美国的农业生产充分利用不同地区的 ,实现了地区生产的 。(2分) (3)写出图中字母所代表的美国主要农业带(区)名称:(5分) A ,B ,C ,D ,E 。 (4)分析影响D农业带形成的主要因素有哪些?(2分)
【简答题】读“美国农业带分布图和工业分布图”,完成下列填空: (1)填写农业带名称 A_______带;B__________带;C__________带;D__________带;E______________。美国农业的地区生产专门化的优越性__________________________________________________________________________________...