【单选题】下列法律与烹饪人员从事的工作没有密切关系的是( )。
【单选题】下面关于商品经济的描述不正确的一项是( ) A、以交换为目的进行生产 B、通过商品货币关系进行劳动交换 C、在封建社会就占据主导地位 D、高级形式表现为市场经济
【简答题】数据库的三级模式结构中,描述局部数据的逻辑结构和特征的 。
【单选题】The doctor told the new nurse to do.
【单选题】下列法律与烹饪人员从事的工作没有密切关系的是( )
【单选题】Woman: Mr. Smith would not stop drinking even though the doctor told him that he must. Man: I wish he could take the doctor's advice. Question: What do we know about Mr. Smith?
He could not but stop drinking when his doctor told him that he had to.
He agreed to follow the doctor's advice.
He still drinks in spite of his doctor's advice.
He stopped to drink because the doctor told him to.