【单选题】清场作为防止污染和交叉污染的重要手段,清场操作必须严格按( )进行。
【判断题】下列语句的输出结果是否正确: >>>print(" 窈窕淑女,君子好逑."[5:]) 君子好逑.
【单选题】清场作为防止污染和交叉污染的重要手段,清场操作必须严格按( )进行。
【单选题】We have accepted your order No. 333. Please open the relevant L/C here two weeks prior to the date of shipment.
【简答题】Please open the L/C immediately so that we can deliver the within the time in the contract. (请尽快开立信用证,以便我方能根据合同规定日期完成交货。)
【单选题】In order to ensure the requested shipment, please open the covering L/C, _____should reach us 30 days prior to the date of delivery.
【单选题】Please open an L/C ___ our favor covering the goods.
【单选题】Please open an L/C twenty metric tons of apples for the amount of USD 20,000.