【简答题】Part Two : Comprehending the Text Answer the following questions as fully as possible. 1. What is a cultural ambassador? 2. Where did Lin go to pursue his first postgraduate degree? 3. In which journa...
【简答题】为文字规定一个版心,再为图片规定一个版心,图的版心大于文字版心或进行图文混排是图文混排 () 法则。
【简答题】某进出口公司委托一国际货运代理企业代办一小桶货物以海运方式出口国外。货物的重量为 0.5 吨,小桶(圆的)的直径为 0.7 米 ,桶高为 1 米 。货代最后为货主找到一杂货班司实际承运该货物。货代查了船公司的运价本,运价本中对该货物运输航线、港口、运价等的规定为:基本运价是每运费吨支付 100 美元( USD100/Freight Ton );燃油附加费按基本运费增收 10% ( BAF10%...
【简答题】I. Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word listed below. Change the form where necessary. 1. She was unable to find __________ . 2. He kicked the ball into the __________ . 3...